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Benefits of Electric Beds

Adjustable beds are all the rage since they enable people to have a good night's sleep as well as being able to cure their erratic sleeping patterns as well as other illnesses that are attributed to poor sleeping habits. Adjustable electric beds, however, are a hybrid of the two popular beds, the adjustable bed as well as the electric beds - comes in full force with various key features that will make sleeping an incredibly great experience for you. Adjustable electric beds have all sorts of great features - - The optional headboard hugger mechanisms - Objects on the night table will be easy to reach - Easy remote controls - Adjustable leverage - No wires - Maximum comfort - Vibrating massage function 1. Two Motors Another great feature of the adjustable electric bed - two motors are provided for the full support of a person's body to maximize the relaxation benefits. The motors are extremely quiet and can be controlled at the touch of a button.

2. Standard or custom mattresses Choose from the mattresses that best support your body so that you will be ensured with a good night's sleep. There are four sizes for the adjustable electric bed that people can choose from - - Twin extra long is a 38x80 mattress - Full extra long adjustable electric bed is sized at a 54x80 mattress - Queen sized adjustable electric bed is a 60x80 mattress - Dual king is the size of two twin extra long adjustable electric bed units placed side by side 3.

Benefits of Adjustable Beds There are a lot of healthy benefits from the adjustable electric beds. From curing insomnia to waking up feeling refreshed and totally relaxed. The adjustable electric beds are able to give people the proper support that their bodies need so as to relieve tension from the various pressure points in the body. Adjustable electric beds can equally distribute the weight of a person to avoid aching joints or sore body parts. An adjustable electric bed is really a great investment for people who want to be able to fully enjoy the comforts of being able to sleep soundly on a bed that can also cater to their sleeping needs.

Everyone from people who are overworked at the office or just stressed over just about anything. It will be able to clear your head from such thoughts as you sleep so that you will feel energized and rejuvenated the following morning. Stress free people are proven to be more efficient and productive employees as compared to those who are overworked and highly stressed.

For more great electric bed related articles and resources check out

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