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Age Old Questions In Astronomy Answered

As you read every word of this short astronomy article, you will discover the answers to some of the most pressing questions in astronomy. How did the seas form? Where did life come from? And how was the Moon born, so close to Earth?

For many years I searched the answers to these amazing questions. How did the seas form? Where did life come from? And how was the Moon born, so close to Earth? I found answers, and it seems as though many astronomers agree with these answers. As all things in science, it can only hold as a theory - as we dont have visual account of these things happening.

The first question we will look at is how did the seas form? This is an interesting point to consider. Now people who hold to the creationist view may say that it was there within the first 6 days of this world, however, we will look at the scientific point of view here.

The predominant theory on how the seas formed on Earth is that it happened external of the Earth. Globules of water - quite large - similar to rain would drop from space, likely from the comets, and over billions of years made the seas on our Earth.

* Where did life on Earth come from?
This is quite an amazing one.

It is a question which has been asked since man has thought to ask the question! Where did the life on Earth come from? I dont mean in the human form, as if we hold with evolution, then we will find that man was not the first living being on this Earth. We find first Heterotrophs, bacteria and simple life and then gradually to fish, then reptiles, mammals, etc.

It is believed that the first impulse of life on Earth came from yet again comets. Comets are rich in many things, and some say that the biggest reserve of diamonds could be found not on Earth, but in comets! Comets also are believed to contain bacteria. And thus falling parts of a comet may have entered our Earth, and impregnated this nutritious Earth to form the life we have today! And you thought it was aliens!

* And how was the Moon born, so close to Earth?
In looking at the Earth in its early days before those first organisms, and before the seas we find a volcanic world, full of eruptions and no way to survive. It is believed at this time a very big rock bigger than meteors (bigger than the one that possible killed the dinosaurs), hit the Earth and caused a part of the Earth to break off.

With the aid of gravity and the motion of these bodies, they both found an orbit together. As time went on, they both made the roundness we see with celestial bodies. The Moon is an important part of keeping life on Earth alive. Looking at the Moon even with the naked eye shows us craters. With a telescope these become much more prominent, and can be seen with even the smallest of telescopes. These craters are all from objects on there way to Earth and impact Earth, but hit into our Moon.


About the Author (text)These are amazing questions, and though we can\'t be sure that they are the exact way, they are the most accepted theories.

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